National Board
The national board coordinates all activities of the young DPG and leads the national working groups. Here it introduces itself!
Adelind Elshani - Vorstandsmitglied für Finanzen
Adelind ist 26 Jahre alt und promoviert aktuell in Aachen.mehr...
David Smolinski - Board Member for Doctoral Studies
David is 27 years old and is pursuing a PhD in astrophysics at the Hamburg Observatory.mehr...
Katrin Lossen - Vorstandsmitglied für Wissenschaftliches Programm
Katrin ist 22 Jahre alt und studiert Medizintechnik im Bachelor in Duisburgmehr...
Laura Prüß - Board Member for Management of Regional Groups
Laura is studying physics in Hanover.mehr...
Malena Wempe - Bundesvorsitzende
Malena ist 23 Jahre alt und studiert Physik in Dortmund.mehr...
Max Tuchtenhagen - Member of the Board of Management for Schools, Teaching and Young Talent
Max is 20 years old and is studying for a bachelor's degree in physics and maths (grammar school) in Braunschweig.mehr...
Moritz Vanselow – Board Member for Career Preparation
Moritz is 25 years old and is currently working on his doctoral thesis in the field of experimental physics, specializing in magnetism, in Duisburg.mehr...
Patrick Steinkraus - Board Member for International Affairs & Deputy Chairperson
Patrick is 20 years old and is studying for a Master's degree in Physics in Duisburg.mehr...
Raja Hoffmann – Executive Board Member for University and Society
Raja is 23 years old and studies physics at the University of Jena.mehr...