Florian Dirnberger - TU Dresden

Semiconductors (HL), Magnetism (MA)

Position Post-Doc
Address Nöthnitzer Straße 61
TU Dresden
Research optics, exciton physics, correlated spin systems, magneto-optics, 2D magnets
Weblinks Publication List
Divisions Semiconductors (HL), Magnetism (MA)

© Florian Dirnberger

Research Agenda: My research is focused on the study of optical quasiparticles (excitons) in materials with correlated degrees of freedom. I'm particularly interested in the novel interactions of light that emerge in such systems and their potential for future technological applications. Coupling excitons with spin waves in magnetic materials is an especially interesting and promising direction to pursue in this regard.

Short Bio: In 2019, I received my PhD from the University of Regensburg (Germany) for my work on spin-orbit-related effects in semiconductor nanowires. Awarded a Walter-Benjamin fellowship, I joined the group of Prof. Vinod M. Menon at the City College of New York to study strong-light matter interactions in charge and spin-correlated magnetic systems. This is a general direction I currently pursue as a post-doc at Dresden University of Technology.