RISE: „Research Internships in Science and Engineering“
The DAAD's RISE Programme promotes the international exchange of students. Students from Germany have the opportunity to complete a research internship anywhere in the world; students from other countries can participate in German research projects.
The German Physical Society is a partner in the RISE programme ("Research Internships in Science and Engineering") of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The aim of the various RISE programmes is to promote international exchange. Students from Germany and from all over the world gain an insight into practical research at universities, research institutes and companies in an international environment.
The classic RISE programme offers North American, British and Irish Bachelor students the opportunity to work on a research project in close cooperation with a German doctoral student.
RISE professional offers graduates from North America, the UK and Ireland the opportunity to gain international work experience with outstanding research in German companies.
RISE worldwide enables German Bachelor students to do research internships at universities and institutes around the world.
In the first round of RISE worldwide (then RISE in North America) in 2009 almost one third of the participants were physics students!

Further information can be found on the DAAD website (www.daad.de/rise/de/).