Events of the Young DPG

The Young DPG organizes over 200 events every year. This means that it inspires several thousand people every year, from school to university to start a career. This variety of regional and nationwide formats is presented here.

You can find the latest news from the Young DPG under News.



Here you can see what's going on in the Young DPG.mehr...

Active on site

Experience your science location with the Young DPG!mehr...

Helping to shape and network

The Young DPG lives from taking part. Just come to a regular meeting of your regional group or realize your ideas in the ten nationwide work teams. The so-called A-Teams meet regularly for virtual chats to shape the diversity of the nationwide projects. The four annual networking meetings focus on the exchange of experiences between the regional groups. New members are just as welcome as "Young DPG veterans". Register for our general meeting to experience the enthusiasm in the Young DPG. Voluntary commitment is worth it!mehr...

Vocational Orientation

We transform your disorientation into confidence. In formats such as "Job Opportunities", experienced guests from industry and business provide personal insights into the job market and life after graduating in physics. On panel discussions, we discuss general questions about applications, career,s and family. More first-hand tips on how to apply for a job and plan your career are available at the nationwide job preparation seminars. The Young DPG participates in the pre-vocational lunch talks at the spring conferences and offers local company visits. In addition, we recommend participation in "A day on site", the DPG mentoring program and Leading for Tomorrow.mehr...

Discover nationwide

Get deeper into the matter with the Young DPG. Our popular weekend seminars are each dedicated to a current physics topic for three days. Students who are enthusiastic about theory get their money's worth at the traditional theoworkshop in winter, where theoretical questions are discussed over several days. If you prefer to visit large experiments and research facilities, the summer excursion or the nationwide excursion is just right for you.mehr...

School Accompanying Program

Young people who are enthusiastic about physics are very welcome in the Young DPG. The DPG Pupils' Conference offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with your peers nationwide and to present your own research projects, even before you graduate from high school. The Young Physicists' Conference thus combines initiatives such as the German Young Physicists' Tournament or Jugend forscht. As a young physics talent, you are invited to the local physics breakfasts to get a taste of university life. Over a piece of cake, you can talk about physics to professors as well as students and find out about career prospects after graduating in physics. On the International School Day, on the other hand, university students come to selected schools to get young scientists excited about physics and inspire them.mehr...

Teaching events

In the Young DPG, events for all kinds of physics students are offered. Students of teaching professions and people interested in teaching do not miss out and can visit interesting event formats all over Germany. On the following pages, you will find an overview of the respective formats and currently upcoming events.mehr...


The Young DPG makes its competitive members fit for international challenges. The best teams of the German Olympics in Solving Physics Problems Eager Students (DOPPLERS) are allowed to represent Germany in the international team competition PLANCKS (Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-Ass Students). So sharpen your pencils and register! One thing is certain: Together physics is more fun!mehr...

International Affairs

The network of the Young DPG extends beyond Germany. We organize regular exchange programs with associated physics student organizations abroad. We alternately receive international guests and visit them in their country. This is how the Hungarian exchange with Mafihe or the German Italian Physics Exchange works. Similar friendships connect us with the Netherlands and Denmark. As a member of the International Association of Physics Students {iaps}, the young DPG actively participates in the annual International Conference of Physics Students (ICPS) in summer and the physics competition PLANCKS. Physics knows no borders!mehr...


Poster printed out and off to the spring conference! The Young DPG is represented at all four DPG Spring Conferences with a multi-faceted program. We organize tutorials to introduce current topics, job-oriented lunch talks, pub crawls, Einstein slams and more. The PhD symposia are a special feature: Here, PhD students organize a session at the DPG conference themselves. They choose the speakers themselves and set the focus according to their own interests.mehr...