TagungsräumeDas Physikzentrum Bad Honnef bietet viel Platz für Ihre Veranstaltung.https://www.dpg-physik.de/ueber-uns/physikzentrum-bad-honnef/info-haus/tagungsraeumehttps://www.dpg-physik.de/logo.png
Meeting rooms
The Physikzentrum Bad Honnef offers plenty of space for your event. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus lecture hall, built in 2005, is recommended for larger groups. The middle lecture hall in the school building of the PBH is suitable for smaller groups. If additional space is required, seminar or meeting rooms can also be used, which are available in the building. We will be happy to discuss with you individually which room is best suited for your event.
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus lecture hall
Großer Hörsaal im Stiftsgebäude des Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus auditorium offers 100 seats with fixed rising rows of tables and individual chairs. With standard seating there is room for everyone. The auditorium is equipped with a computer, a beamer with screen, a lectern and microphones.
Mittlerer Hörsaal im Stiftsgebäude des Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Middle lecture hall
This smaller lecture hall with the name "Mittlerer Hörsaal" accommodates about 40 people in seminar seating with tables. The seating is freely selectable and can be set up for you with prior consultation. The room has a computer and a beamer with screen.
Further seminar and meeting rooms
If you need further seminar or meeting rooms in addition to the lecture halls, the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef offers rooms that can each accommodate between 10 and 25 people. We will be happy to advise you which room is suitable for your event.