fobi-Ф: DPG programme for the promotion of teacher training
The fobi-Phi support programme offers financial support for the implementation of physics-related events and further training for teachers. With this programme, the DPG would like to motivate teachers to offer and conduct further training days or lecture series for teachers.
The DPG programme for the promotion of teacher training in physics
For more than 35 years the DPG has been involved in teacher training and offers up to five events a year at the Physics Centre Bad Honnef with different focuses and for different target groups. The professional and didactic further training of teachers and the associated, important improvement of physics teaching are extremely important to the DPG.
What are the goals of fobi-Φ?
fobi-Φ aims to support organisers of physics-related further training for teachers of all types of schools (including primary schools). In particular, teachers and schools are to be encouraged to initiate internal training courses and to invite speakers. Universities, research institutions, school laboratories etc. should also be motivated to hold regular further training days or lecture series for teachers.
Who can submit an application?
In principle, all persons or institutions that wish to conduct physically oriented advanced training are eligible to apply. The target group of the further training can be teachers, trainee teachers, educators or subject multipliers.
What can be supported?
Funding guidelines:
- Funding is available for teacher training courses in the subject of physics and for events in the natural sciences where the relationship to physics is clearly evident.
- Funding is only possible with a minimum of 8 participants. (The organisers undertake to keep a list of participants and to enclose it with the invoice).
- Funding from the support programme is primarily intended for such continuing education courses which could not be offered without this support or only with large gaps in the programme.
- Grants can be applied for:
- Lecturer fees
- Travel expenses for lecturers
- Costs for technical/other expenses (e.g. transport of material or similar)
- Payment of (student) assistants to support preparation and implementation
- materials provided to teachers, e.g. USB sticks with teaching materials, etc.
- Travel allowance for teachers participating in in-service
- training courses within Germany if the distance is more than 20 km
- Other items, provided they are well justified.
- As a rule, no subsidies are granted for:
- Fees for lecturers employed by the organising institution ("internal" lecturers).
- "Overheads" or other forms of administrative costs.
- Training courses with a commercial focus (product applications).
The costs actually incurred after the end of the training course will be charged up to a maximum of the grant amount.
Subsidy rates:
- Lecturer fees: For a contribution of up to 2 hours 100 €; for half a day 200 €; for a whole day 300 €.
- Travel and accommodation costs for lecturers: Travel costs in the amount of the railway costs (2nd class), in exceptional cases a flat rate per kilometre for journeys by car of 30 cents/kilometre (if the lecturer travels, for example, with extensive experimental material and is therefore dependent on the car, analogous to the DPG travel cost regulations).
- Accommodation costs for lecturers to a proven extent (middle-class hotel with a room rate of approx. 80 to 90 €/night), if the outward and return journey on the same day is not reasonable or the event is of several days' duration. (Analogous to the DPG travel expense regulations)
- travel allowance for teachers participating in in-service training:
- 0,30 € per km for a single distance > 20 km
- The upper limit of the subsidy is usually 50 € for a journey within Germany.
- Travel abroad is not subsidized.
- This travel allowance can only be applied for by the institution that conducts the training, not by individual participants.
Submission of application
An informal application should be structured as follows:
- Title of training, duration of training, school or institute address of the applicant with telephone number and e-mail address
- Content and objectives of the training
- Organisation and procedure (programme) of the training
- Financial plan and resource requirements
- Signature of the applicant
- Declaration of consent that the final report may be published on the homepage of the DPG or the WE Heraeus Foundation as an example of a successful project.
An application can be made at any time, but it should reach the DPG at least 4 weeks before the start of the training. An expert group of the DPG will decide on the application in a timely manner and will notify the amount of the grant. After the end of the advanced training course the actual costs incurred will be verified by the organiser. The costs incurred will be reimbursed up to a maximum of the amount approved. Advance payments on account amounting to a maximum of 50 % of the application sum can be requested.
Signed applications can be submitted to the DPG office either by post or by e-mail.
Hauptstraße 5
53604 Bad Honnef
Phone: 02224-9232-0
Fax: +49 2224-9232-50
There is no legal claim to funding.

This program is made possible through the generous support of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation.