Meetings, conferences and workshops in 2010
Name | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | |||
DPG Frühjahrstagung zusammen mit AMOP (SAMOP) | link | Hannover | 08. - 12. März 2010 | 15. Dezember 2009 Einladung |
Internationale Tagungen*
Laser und Optik
Name | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | |||
IEEE Photonics - Winter Topicals 2010 | link | Mallorca, Spanien | 11. - 13. Januar 2010 | 19. Oktober 2009 | ||
LASE (part of SPIE Photonics West) | link | The Moscone Center San Francisco, Kalifornien, USA | 23. - 28. Januar 2010 | 13. Juli 2009 | ||
OFC/NFOEC 2010 (Optical Fiber Communication/)National Fiber Optic Engineers | link | San Diego Convention Center San Diego, CA, USA |
21. -25. März 2010 | call for papers | ||
15th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO’10) | link | Cambridge, UK | 07. - 09. April 2010 | Submissions 18. Januar 2010 |
SPIE Photonics Europe | link | The Square Conference Centre, Brüssel, Belgien | 12. - 16. April 2010 | 09. November 2009 | ||
21st Annual Workshop on Interconnections within High Speed Digital Systems | link | Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | 03. - 05 Mai 2010 | |||
CLEO/QELS: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications | link | San Jose McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, Kalifornien | 16. 21. Mai 2010 | Advance Registration: 05. April 2010 Housing Deadline: 14. April 2010 |
Topical Meetings on Optical Interference Coatings (OIC) | link | Tucson, Arizona, USA | 06. - 11 Juni 2010 | 30. Oktober 2009 |
35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference | link | Hawaii Convention Center Honolulu, Hawaii |
20. -25. Juni 2010 | call for papers | ||
EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids (ANGEL 2010) | link | Engelberg, Schweiz | 29. Juni - 01. Juli 2010 | |||
1st International Conference on Photonics 2010 (ICP2010) | link | Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia | 05. - 07. Juli 2010 | 26. märz 2010 | ||
IEEE Photonics - Summer Topicals 2010 | link | Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico | 19. - 21. Juli 2010 | 19. März 2010 | ||
SPIE Optics + Photonics | link | San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Kalifornien, USA | 01. - 05. August 2010 | |||
XVIII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers & High-Power Laser 2010 | link | Sofia, Bulgarien | 30. August - 03. September 2010 | |||
7th International Conference on Group IV Photonics | link | Peking, China | 01. - 03. September 2010 | 30. April 2010 | ||
6. ThGOT - Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächen Tage | link | Gera | 07. - 08. September 2010 | 01. März 2010 | ||
2. Thüringer Kolloquium „Dünne Schichten in der Optik“ | link | Gera | 09. September 2010 | 01. März 2010 | ||
SPIE Photomask Technology | link | Monterey Marriott Monterey, California, USA | 13. - 16. September 2010 | 15. März 2010 | ||
36th ECOC - European Conference in Optical Communications | link | Lingotto Congress Centre, Turin, Italien | 19. - 23. September 2010 | 11. Augugst 2010 | ||
Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference 2010 | link | Denver, Colorado, USA | 21. - 23. September 2010 | 20. Mai 2010 | ||
6th International Conference and Exhibition on “Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering” LANE 2010 | link | Erlangen | 21. - 24. September 2010 | Call for Papers | ||
SPIE Laser Damage | link | National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder, Colorado, USA |
26. - 29. September 2010 | 16. April 2010 | ||
SPIE Lithography Asia - Korea | link | Incheon, South Korea | 13. - 15. Oktober 2010 | Abstracts Due: 31 May 2010 Manuscripts Due: 20 September 2010 |
IEEE Photonics: High Power Diode Lasers & Systems Conference | link | The International Centre, Telford, Shropshire, England | 03. November 2010 | ![]() |
IEEE Photonics: Photonics Global Conference 2010 | link | Singapur | 14. - 16. Dezember 2010 | Submission: 20. August 2010 Acceptance: 01. Sept. 2010 Camera-Ready Copy: 01. Okt. 2010 |
Advances in Optoelectronics & Micro/nano-Optics (AOM) 2010 | link | South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China | 03. - 06. Dezember 2010 | 20. September 2010 | ||
Photonics Society is announcing a call for proposals for Summer/Winter Topical Meeting series 2011 | link | Series 2011 | 22. Februar 2010 Call for Proposals |
Pulsed Power und Electronics
Name | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | |||
IEEE Region 8 Conference MELECON 2010 | link | Valletta, Malta | 26. - 28. April 2010 | 26. October 2009 | ||
IEEE LAN/MAN 2010 17th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks | link | Long Branch, New Jersey, USA | 05. - 07. Mai 2010 | 05. Februar 2010 | ||
IEEE Region 8 SIBIRCON-2010 | link | Irkutsk, Russland | 11. - 15. Juli 2010 | 01. März 2010 call for paper |
2nd IEEE Region 8 Conference on the History of Telecommunications HISTELCON'10 | link | Madrid, Spanien | 03.-05. November 2010 | 29. März 2010 | ||
IEEE 26th Convention of Electrical ans Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEEI 2010) | link | Hilton Hotel, Eilat, Israel | 17. -20. November 2010 | |||
18th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2010 (IEEE Conference #17558) | link | SAVA Center, Belgrad, Serbien | 23. - 25. November 2010 | |||
PowerMEMS 2010 - 10th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications | link | Leuven, Belgien | 30. November - 03. Dezember 2010 | Registration deadline: 24. Septermber 2010 |
Diagnostics, Medizin und Plasma
Name | Link | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | ||
ISOPT Asia 2010 - International Symposium on Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutic | link | China, Macau | 09. - 12. Dezember 2010 | |||
Name | Link | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | ||
SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing | link | Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA | 05. - 09. April 2010 | 12. Oktober 2009 | ||
Future Security 2010 | link | Berlin | 07. - 09. September 2010 | Ankündigung | ||
SPIE Security + Defence | link | Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, Frankreich | 20. - 23. September 2010 | Abstract 22. March 2010 Manuscripts 23. August 2010 |
sonstige Tagungen
Name | Link | Ort | Termin | Deadline Abstract | ||
4th International Meeting on Developments in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies (MPA 2010) | link | University of Minho, Braga, Portugal | 28. -30. Juli 2010 | 30. April 2010 | ||
International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications | link | Ottawa, Kanada | 04. - 06. August 2010 | |||
IEEE EnergyCon 2010 | link | Manama, Bahrain | 18. - 22. Dezember 2010 | Call for paper |
Workshops und Symposien
Name | Link | Ort | Termin | Bemerkung | ||
XII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop | link | Linz, Österreich | 05. - 08. Februar 2010 | |||
Plasmatechnik für die Optikherstellung | link | im Rahmen der Frühjahrstagung | Ansprechpartner: Dr. Ristau, LZH Hannover Prof. Ohl, INP Greifswald |
Plasma + Medizin/Biologie | link | im Rahmen der Frühjahrstagung | Ansprechpartner: Dr. Weltmann, INP Greifswald Dr. Frey, FZK, Karlsruhe |
Lasersysteme und Laseranwendungen: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends | link | im Rahmen der Frühjahrstagung | Ansprechpartner: Dr. Kracht, LZH Hannover Dr. Görtler |
Verfahren zur Modifikation von Glasoberflächen und moderne Anwendungen | link | BioInnovationsZentrum, Dresden | 25. März 2010 | Einladungsflyer-WSGO | ||
33rd IEEE Sarnoff Symposium | link | Princeton, NJ, USA | 12. 14. April 2010 | 30. November 2009 | ||
Gasmanagement für Atmosphärendruck-Plasmatechnologien | link | Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik, Dresden | 15. April 2010 | Einladung Anmeldung |
Semiconductor Laser Workshop | link | San Jose, California | 21. Mai 2010 | |||
Transparente leitfähige Oxide - Festkörperphysikalische Grundlagen und Technologie | link | Lingnerschloss, Dresden | 01. - 02. Juni 2010 | Einladungsflyer TCO-Workshop | ||
2nd International EJC-PISE Workshop on "Plasma and Electron Beam Technologies for Protective Coatings" | link | Kiew, Ukraine | 16. - 17. Juni 2010 | Einladungsflyer | ||
Mess- und Analysetechnologien zur Qualitätssicherung in der Großflächenbeschichtung | Fraunhofer-Institut (IZFP), Dresden | 24. Juni 2010 | Einladung Anmeldeformular |
52nd International Symposium ELMAR - 2010 | link | Zadar, Kroatien | 15. -17. September 2010 | 15. März 2010 | ||
5th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology | Kaiserslautern | 27. - 29. September 2010 | DVG Symposium 2010 Flyer AOFA 2010 Flyer |
Funktionelle Oberflächen in der Bio- und Medizintechnik | link | Technologie Zentrum Dresden, Dresden | 12. Oktober 2010 | Einladung Anmeldung |
Workshop "Organische Dünne Schichten - Grundlagen und Anwendungen" | link | BioInnovationsZentrum, Tatzberg 47, Dresden | 22. Oktober 2010 | Einladung Anmeldung |
Gepulste hochionisierte Plasmen von der Grundlage zur Anwendung | link | BioInnovationsZentrum Dresden, Dresden | 24. November 2010 | ![]() |
Einladung Anmeldung |
10th International Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications | link | Leuven, Belgium | 30. Nov. - 03. Dez. 2010 | 02. Juli 2010 |
Sonstige Informationen und Ankündigungen
Name | Link | Informationen | ||||
Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics in Green Photonics: Energy Efficiency in Quantum Electronics | link | Ideally, papers that have been accepted will be posted online at IEEE Xplore 6 weeks after acceptance decision, pending no page proof corrections. The JSTQE issue will be published in print March/April 2011. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the journal’s standards and requirements. We sincerely hope you will consider contributing some of your research findings to this Special Issue. |
Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics on Nanowires | link | While the JSTQE issue will be in print published in July/August 2011. Accepted papers will be rapid posted online in the IEEE Xplore website ideally within six weeks after author has uploaded his/her final files online, if there should be no changes or correction to the final manuscript during the author’s proof stage. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the journal’s standards and requirements. We sincerely hope you will consider contributing some of your research findings to this Special Issue. |
IEEE Photonics Society: JSTQE Special Issue on Ultrafast Science & Technology | link | The purpose of this issue of JSTQE is to highlight the recent progress and exciting trends in both the development and applications of ultrafast science and technology. Accepted papers will be rapid posted online in the IEEE Xplore website ideally within six weeks after author has uploaded his/her final files online, if there should be no changes or correction to the final manuscript during the author's page proof stage. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the journal's standards and requirements. We sincerely hope you will consider contributing some of your research findings to this Special Issue. |
Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics on Packaging and Integration Technologies for Optical MEMS/NEMS, Optoelectronic and Nanophotonic Devices | link | The deadline for this issue is July 1st, 2010. The details of the Call for Papers are available in the link. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the journal’s standards and requirements. We sincerely hope you will consider contributing some of your research findings to this Special Issue. |
Special Issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics of Quantum Electronics on Nonlinear-Optical Signal Processing in the area of nonlinear-optical signal processing | link | The deadline for this issue is November 14, 2010. The details of the Call for Papers are available in the link. The purpose of this issue of JSTQE is to document the state of the art and recent developments in the field, from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure adherence to the journal’s standards and requirements. We sincerely hope you will consider contributing some of your research findings to this Special Issue. |
* die Liste hat keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit
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