Ultracold Quantum Gases
Bad Honnef Physics School
- Date:
- Su, 08.08.2021 15:00 – Sa, 14.08.2021 14:00
- Speaker:
- Axel Pelster (TU Kaiserslautern) and Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo (GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, USA)
- Address:
- Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
- Language:
- English
Scientific organizers:
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Axel Pelster (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany) and
Prof. Dr. Carlos A. R. Sá de Melo (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
August 8 - 14, 2021, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
supported by
Since the first Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atomic gases was realized experimentally in 1995, the research field of ultracold quantum gases has been extremely active and has expanded in many different directions. New areas of research are emerging at the borderlines of atomic and molecular physics, quantum optics, and condensed matter physics. However, this rapid evolution in the field of ultracold quantum gases is not adequately reflected in standard curricula. The daily work of a PhD student in both theory and experiment is now so specialized that a broad knowledge about the research field is lacking. To provide a common platform of understanding both theory and experiment in the field of ultracold quantum gases, we organize an international school for physics students. Although the school is mainly intended for PhD students, also interested master students and young postdocs will certainly profit from it. The main goal of the school is to provide a solid introduction to the field of ultracold quantum gases, which will be delivered by internationally recognized experts of the field. Depending on the Covid-19 pandemic the school will take place either fully online or in hybrid mode.
In the last case we will stream the presentations for those who cannot make it to Bad Honnef. No participation fees will be charged for online participation.
If you will certainly not go to Germany in person you can still apply for the school by sending an email to Victor Gomer. The email must have the subject line "application to Ultracold Quantum Gases 2021" and contain at least your first name, last name and institution.
Speakers and topics:
- William Phillips (Gaithersburg, USA): Laser cooling
- Alexander Fetter (Stanford, USA): Superfluid Vortex Dynamics
- Antun Balaz (Belgrade, Serbia): Numerical analysis of the Gross-Pitaevskii physics for dipolar bosons and beyond
- Silke Ospelkaus (Hannover, Germany): Ultracold Chemistry
- Ulrich Schneider (Cambridge, UK): Atoms in optical lattices
- Jean Dalibard (Paris, France): Solitons in an atomic 2D gas: an illustration of scale invariance
- Nathan Goldman (Brussels, Belgium): Artificial gauge fields in materials and engineered systems
- Richard Scalettar (Davis, USA): Monte-Carlo simulation of ultracold atoms
- Vanderlei Bagnato (Sao Carlos, Brazil): Producing and Characterizing a far from equilibrium BEC
More information coming soon...