We are engaged - you can join us too!

The DPG is the world's largest physics society and is a non-profit organisation. It offers its members many activities; you have certainly already been able to benefit from them. This is another reason why you are a member of our association. What some people do not know: The DPG thrives on the excellent cooperation of its committed members.

Why an honorary position (in the DPG)?

  • Voluntary work strengthens the sense of community.
  • Experience what positive things you can do in the world.
  • Finding fun and fulfilment: Volunteering to do something for others - that's fun. Especially when it happens in a team.
  • This often creates networks that enrich one's own life and can also advance one's career.
  • Exchange and discussion at a professional level or beyond.
  • Developing your own skills and competences.
  • Voluntary work shows initiative and a sense of responsibility.
  • Volunteering can change your life. It can help you to develop yourself, because you gain new experiences that shape you.

"The DPG commits itself and its members to stand up for freedom, tolerance, truthfulness and dignity in science and to be aware that those working in science are particularly responsible for shaping the whole of human life". (Statute of the DPG §2 paragraph 2)


Working in the DPG

Most members of the DPG are either professionally involved in the various professional associations of the DPG or interdisciplinary in working groups and working groups. Simply attend the general meeting of your trade association at the DPG Spring Conference. There you can directly influence what interests you. Get involved in the DPG's working groups and working groups. They offer a varied programme. For example, the young DPG not only organises events for students throughout Germany, but is also active with its regional groups at the universities.


Nominate for the DPG awards

With its awards, the DPG honours outstanding achievements in the field of physics as well as technology transfer and teaching in a special way. In this way, the DPG shows respect and admiration for the work of the prizewinners and contributes to making special achievements in physics known to the public. Support the DPG with nominations!


Support the DPG with its four initiatives

1. Bringing physics to the public

Physics and Society
Use your chances to bring physics to the public and promote understanding for the relevance of physics! An event in your city, school, club, cultural or business association could be a very welcome addition. Also an article in the local newspaper about physics and the cosmos, physics and our understanding of the world, physics and nature, physics and the world of engineers, physics and music, physics and artificial intelligence / robotics, about surprising effects of quantum physics will encourage parents to make their children curious about physics.

Would you like to set up a local initiative "Physics and Society"? Do you need support? Ask our public relations team!

Support the DPG's trade fair appearances
Help the DPG to stock the stands at education fairs or conferences. Here you can make an important contribution with just a few hours.

Convey a positive image of physics in your own environment
Just enthuse!


2. Support teachers and schools even more for excellent young talent

Motivating teachers to work in the DPG
Get involved in the AG Schulefür die Qualität des Physikunterrichtes (Working Group School for the Quality of Physics Education), the representation of the subject of physics vis-à-vis educational policy and ministries of education within the framework of the objectives of the DPG. Appoint excellent teachers of physics for the prize for outstanding achievements in teaching physics in schools.

Expand and support DPG teacher talks
They already exist at various locations. More are to come, preferably in cooperation with universities or institutes.

Help with the German Young Physicists' Tournament (GYPT)
The GYPT is the German preliminary round for the international version. Before that, however, countless students do research at GYPT centres spread all over Germany to prepare for it. The search is on for locations for new centres and jurors for the competition.

Announcing the DPG Abitur Prize
Every year, 8000 pupils are awarded a free one-year membership for outstanding achievements in physics in the Abitur. Do you also have outstanding pupils? Nominate them!

Inspire through DPG teacher training
For more than 20 years a dedicated team has been organising teacher training courses at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. Lecturers are gladly sought after, but you are also very welcome as a participant.


3. Building a broader bridge to industry and business

Motivating physicists in industry and business to work for the DPG
Many of the DPG's initiatives appeal to physicists in industry and business, and these are mainly driven by the Arbeitskreis Industrie und Wirtschaft (AIW). Motivate colleagues for initiatives such as A day on site for physics students to visit industrial laboratories and production facilities, for lectures at schools or to present companies and industrial sectors at the Industry Day at the DPG Spring Meeting.

DPG Industry Talks to be further expanded
The AIW's Industry Talks already exist at several locations nationwide with up to 120 participants per lecture. Coordinators for new locations or supporters at existing locations are continuously being sought.

Supporting young talents through the DPG Mentoring Programme
If you would like to pass on your experience in industry and business to a career starter in a 1 to 1 mentoring programme, register as a mentor.

Preparing young physicists for the profession
Studying physics offers a variety of perspectives. Only around 20% of all physicists work in the gainful occupation of physicist. In order to find out about career opportunities and possibilities, there are various events which all require committed lecturers who present their own personal career path. For example, the career preparation seminars or the job exchange.

Start-up exchange of experience and technology transfer
Do you have experience with spin-offs and start-ups? For example, we need founders and institute directors to further expand our series of start-up workshops and KTT seminars. Organisers for new workshop locations and lecturers are constantly being sought. Do you know of successful knowledge and technology transfers? Every year we look for the best transfers to jointly award the institute, the body responsible for technology transfer and the implementing company.


4. Strengthen the commitment of our physicists in Europe and internationally

Representation of the DPG and research in Germany at international meetings
Support the DPG for a few hours with its stand at international conferences if you are attending the conference anyway.

Cooperation in international committees
Members of the DPG represent Germany in working groups and committees of international physics associations such as IUPAP, EPS, etc. Join in!

Physics is cosmopolitan!
Stand up for freedom, tolerance, truthfulness and dignity in science and in the world.



You are interested and would like to participate?
If you have any questions, the DPG office will be happy to help you:
We look forward to you and your support!

⇒ Join in now!