WE Heraeus Communication Programme for the DPG Spring Meetings (DPG-Frühjahrstagungen) 2025
Every year, the DPG organises its DPG Spring Meetings (DPG-Frühjahrstagungen) at different locations and universities in Germany. With more than 10,000 physicists from Germany and abroad every year, the DPG Spring Meetings (DPG-Frühjahrstagungen) regularly rank among the largest physics congresses in Europe.
Active participation in the DPG Spring Meetings (DPG-Frühjahrstagungen) is financially subsidised as part of the communication programme.
Criteria for applicants
If …
- you are a personal member of DPG,
- you are a conference participant with an age up to 35 years*,
- you have not yet completed your doctorate,
- your centre of living or work is located in Germany,
- you do not get financial support or only partial finacial support from your university or academic institution for conference participation and
- you are the (co-)author of a conference contribution (talk or a poster) which was submitted and has been accepted by the administration of the conference (Only one participation per contribution can be subsidised!) ...
*For funding in 2025, this means that DPG members born in 1989 or after are eligible to apply for finacial support.
… then you can apply online for a grant by taking three steps:
- Abstract submission
- Participants registration
- Fill in the WEH online form
⇒ at the latest until 07 February 2025, 23:59 (CET) for the conference in Bonn
⇒ at the latest until 05 February 2025, 23:59 (CET) for the conference in Köln
⇒ at the latest until 13 February 2025, 23:59 (CET) for the conference in Regensburg
⇒ at the latest until 19 February 2025, 23:59 (CET) for the conference in Göttingen
Incoming applications after this date cannot be taken into consideration!
All required online forms can be found on the respective conference web pages at: www.dpg-tagungen.de. The WEH online forms for application are also available at the end of this page.
And then?
- You will receive an automatically generated e-mail immediately after submitting your application. Please check the data you have submitted. If corrections are necessary, please send them immediately to
- After the formal application check at the DPG Head Office, you will get a notice of arrival by email within a few working days.
- This will be followed by a funding notification (application acceptance/rejection) by e-mail after the application deadline has expired.
Conference participation (Please note the opening times of the conference office!)
- Check-In: At the conference office you will receive the WEH receipt "confirmation for the WE Heraeus Communication Programme" with the date of arrival printed on it together with your conference documents. Please keep this safe!
- Check-Out: At the last day of your stay you need to let DPG confirm your departure date on the WEH receipt with a DPG stamp in the conference office. Afterwards, please hand in your stamped receipt in the conference office. The departure date is important, not the time. You can still give and listen to lectures after receiving the stamp.
After the conference - before billing
- Forgotten to check-out?
Please send the WEH receipt „confirmation for the WE Heraeus Communication Programme“ together with a receipt showing your departure date (e.g. hotel bill, train ticket, etc.), by e-mail toby 18 April 2025 at the latest.
If you have already handed in the WEH receipt at the conference office on the day of your departure, no further receipts need to be sent!Documents received later cannot be considered.
- DPG membership fee paid?
Your DPG membership account must be balanced by 18 April 2025 at the latest. - Bank details up to date?
If your bank account have changed since you submitted your application, please send the current details to.
The stamped WEH receipt "confirmation for the WE Heraeus Communication Programme" includes all billing data. It is not necessary to submit further documents for settlement.
The following lump sums count for the DPG Spring Meetings:
- Conference fee (Only the early bird rate will be considered.)
- Accommodation costs: € 20.00 per night – according to your attendance. For distances less than 70 km, the accomodation fee does not apply, as it is assumed that the overnight stay was at home.
- Daily allowance: € 24.00 per day – according to your attendance. For participants from the local university, the daily allowance does not apply, as it is assumed that meals were provided at home.
- Travel expenses: € 0.18 for per kilometre (round-trip) between your own university and the conference venue. Only travel costs within Germany will be subsidised.
If the conference takes place at your own university, only the conference fee will be subsidised, as it is assumed that you ate and slept at home.
The total cost of your trip is calculated on the basis of the above lump sums. Your travel allowance will amount to a maximum of 50 % of this sum.
The payment of the grant follows – after prior notification by email – by the end of Mai 2025 at the latets by bank transfer to the account you specified in your application.
In case of additional reimbursement from another source, please inform the reimbursing institution about the amount of the travel allowance by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Communication Programme of the DPG.
Beatrice Hensel
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Head Office
Hauptstr. 5
53604 Bad Honnef
Tel.: +49 (2224) 9232-10
WEH Online Forms for application for the DPG (Spring) Meetings (DPG-(Frühjahrs)tagungen)
Applications for funding are possible from 1 October 2024.