Leipzig (c) DPG / Ronneberger 2018

Welcome to the jDPG regional group Leipzig

We are the regional group Leipzig of the young German Physical Society (jDPG).

Motivation. You can achieve more together and doors open that normally remain closed to individuals. That was our motivation for reviving the Leipzig regional group in September 2023. With the regional group, we want to create a meeting place for people interested in physics in the Leipzig region, be a regional contact for jDPG matters in Leipzig and give a wide audience access to a wide range of physics-related events.

  • We organize social events where you can meet new people
  • We offer you the opportunity to get to know your professors outside the lecture hall and to better understand the university/science world
  • We offer guided tours of companies/scientific institutions and lectures on exciting physics topics
  • We present the different career paths that people with a physics background can take
  • We support you in becoming active in the regional group yourself and realizing your ideas

Get involved! Our regional group is still in the process of formation, so there are plenty of opportunities for you to become active yourself. Apart from an interest in physics, you don't need to have any special qualifications. We look forward to receiving your email at .

News. On Friday, November 29, we will be meeting up with the regional groups in Halle, Jena and Dresden at the Leipzig Christmas market. We will meet at 6 pm in front of the LVB mobility center, opposite Leipzig main station. For more information, take a look at: Events.