Markus R. Wagner - Technische Universität Berlin
Semiconductors (HL), Quantum Optics and Photonics (Q)
Research Agenda: We investigate the optical, electronic, phononic, and thermal properties of semiconductors and their hetero- and nanostructures. A focus of our research lies on materials with large band gaps in the UV spectral range. We study fundamental material and transport properties using various spectroscopic methods to obtain information about quasi-particles such as excitons, phonons, plasmons and polaritons and their interaction. By combining short pulses, resonant excitation, low temperatures, and strong magnetic fields, we obtain detailed information about relaxation, recombination, and transfer processes of charge carriers.
A second research line that is currently being developed in our group is the study of thermal transport in nanostructures and metamaterials using optical spectroscopy methods. In particular, we are interested in thermal transport process on short length- and time scales and coherent phonon processes in phononic crystals and superlattices.
Short Bio: I studied physics at TU Berlin and UTS Sydney. In 2005, I started my PhD at TU Berlin which was funded by an Ernst-von-Siemens scholarship. Following several short-term research visits in Spain, Singapore, and South Africa, I received my PhD from TU Berlin in 2010. In 2011, I was invited for a research semester at the UTS Sydney, Australia, where I worked on the integration of in-situ Raman spectroscopy with electron microscopy. By the end of 2012, I moved to the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) Barcelona, Spain, where I focused my research on ultrafast phonon dynamics and nanoscale thermal transport, funded by an Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. In 2016, I moved back to TUB as principle investigator within the DFG funded collaborative research center 787 on semiconductor nanophotonics. In 2020 I completed my habilitation on phononic and photonic semiconductor nanostructures. Since October 2020, I am visiting professor and group leader at the TU Berlin.