The Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society


Die Arbeitsgruppe Philosophie der Physik (AGPhil) der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft stellt ein Forum für konzeptuelle, fundamentale und interpretatorische Fragen zur Physik dar. Welche Interpretation der Quantenmechanik ist die überzeugendste? Ist die Raumzeit, wie sie in der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie beschrieben wird, genauso fundamental wie Elektronen oder Quarks? Und was genau sind überhaupt schwarze Löcher und Elementarteilchen laut den besten Theorien der modernen Physik?

Die AGPhil tagt einmal im Jahr auf einer der Frühjahrstagungen der DPG. 




Call for Papers: Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, Bonn, 10-15 March 2025

CFA for Workshop “Foundations of Quantum Mechanics" at the annual DPG Meeting, Bonn, 10-14 March 2025

The Working Group “Philosophy of Physics” (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual workshop. Contributions on any topic in philosophy of physics are welcome; the focus, however, will be on the topic of  “Foundations of Quantum Mechanics”, in honour of the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, as declared by UNESCO, and the birth of quantum mechanics 100 years ago. The workshop takes place 10-14 March 2025 at the University of Bonn. and will be part of the Annual Meeting of the DPG ( 

The following Invited Speakers have confirmed thus far:
- Guido Bacciagaluppi (University of Utrecht)
- Henrique Gomes (University of Oxford)
- Michel Janssen (University of Minnesota)
- Meinard Kuhlmann (University of Mainz)
- Oliver Passon (University of Wuppertal)
- Carina Prunkl (University of Utrecht)

If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 10 January 2025 (ignore the stated 1 December 2024 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at
As conference fees are not trivial (, speakers who have difficulties paying the conference fees should contact us about possible travel grants.

For future updates see

I look forward to seeing you in Bonn!

Dennis Lehmkuhl


Call for Papers: Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, Berlin 18-22 March 2024

The Working Group “Philosophy of Physics” (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual workshop. Contributions on any topic in philosophy of physics are welcome; the focus, however, will be on the topic of  quantum gravity. The workshop takes place 18-22 March 2024 at the TU Berlin and will be part of the Annual Meeting of the DPG ( 

The following Invited Speakers have confirmed thus far:
- Alexander Blum (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
- Karen Crowther (University of Oslo)
- Erik Curiel (University of Bonn)
-  Patrick Dürr (University of Tübingen)
- Johanna Erdmenger (University of Würzburg)
- Klaas Landsman (Radboud University Nijmegen)
-Tushar Menon (Dianoia Institute of Philosophy)
- Chris Wüthrich (University of Geneva)

If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 15 January 2023 (ignore the stated 1 December 2023 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at
As conference fees are not trivial (, speakers who have difficulties paying the conference fees should contact us about possible travel grants.

For future updates see

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Dennis Lehmkuhl
Radin Dardashti


Call for Papers: Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, Dresden 20-24 March 2023

The Philosophy of Physics Group (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual conference which will take place within the framework of the annual conference of the DPG. Contributions on any topic in the philosophy of physics are welcome. Contributions on any topic in philosophy of physics are welcome; the focus, however, will be on the foundations of quantum mechanics.

The following Invited Speakers have confirmed speakers thus far:

Emily Adlam (Western University)

Michael Cuffaro (LMU Munich)

Paul Näger (WMU Münster)

Alyssa Ney (UC Davis)

Simon Saunders (Oxford)

The conference will take place 20-24 March 2023 in Dresden. The DPG divisions for gravitational physics, particle physics, and theoretical/mathematical physics, among others, also convene at the same conference. The conference will have many parallel sessions organised by the various DPG groups and divisions, and any attendee can freely jump between the different sessions on physics, its philosophy and history.  

If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 21 January 2022 (ignore the stated 15 January 2022 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at 

As conference fees are not trivial (, speakers who have difficulties paying the conference fees should contact us about possible travel grants.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Dennis Lehmkuhl

Radin Dardashti


Call for Papers: Annual conference of the Philosophy of Physics Group of the German Physical Society, 21-25 March 2022

The Philosophy of Physics Group (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) invites submissions for its annual conference which will take place within the framework of the annual conference of the DPG. Contributions on any topic in the philosophy of physics are welcome. A particular focus in this year will be the philosophical analysis of gravitational wave and black hole physics, and we particularly encourage submissions on this topic.

The following speakers have already accepted the invitation to speak at the AGPhil sessions:

Juliusz Doboszewski (Bonn)

Isobel Falconer (St Andrews)

Peter Galison (Harvard)

Tushar Menon (Cambridge)

Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech)

Karim Thébault (Bristol)

The conference will take place 21-25 March 2022 and will be held entirely online. The DPG divisions for gravitational physics, particle physics, history of physics, and theoretical/mathematical physics, among others, also convene at the same conference. The conference will have many parallel sessions organised by the various DPG groups and divisions, and any attendee can freely jump between the different sessions on physics, its philosophy and history.  

If you would like to present a paper, please submit an abstract of about 200 words by 21 January 2022 (ignore the stated 15 January 2022 abstract submission deadline on the website), using the online-form at

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Dennis Lehmkuhl

Radin Dardashti

Lehmkuhl und Dardashti zu Sprecher und Stellvertreter gewählt; die philosophische Reflektion zu Gravitationswellen und schwarzen Löchern wird das Schwerpunktthema des AGPhil-Treffens 2022

Im September 2021 wurde Prof. Dr. Dennis Lehmkuhl zum neuen Sprecher der AGPhil gewählt, Jun. Prof. Dr. Radin Dardashti zum stellvertretenden Sprecher wiedergewählt.  Nach einer erfolgreichen digitalen Konferenz "in" Jena wird die AGPhil das nächste Mal auf der kommenden DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Heidelberg tagen. Ein Call for Papers wird bald hier erscheinen.