Thanks to the support of the European Physics Letters Journal, we were able to award also this year poster prices, consisting of a certifcate and 175 Euro award money each, to young researchers of the Biological Physics Divison for their poster presentations! The awards were presented during the general assembly by the speaker of the division, Sarah Köster. A poster jury selected 3 awardees for each Monday and Tuesday, and the winners are:
- Mareike Berger, LMU Munich, for her poster on "Failure of biological networks with dynamic crosslinks"
- Mirna Kramer, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, for her poster on "Morphology to encode information"
- Dimitri Probst, Institute for Theoretical Physics and BioQuant, Heidelberg, for his poster on "Stress fiber network organization during cell spreading on micropatterned substrates"
- Grzegorz Gradziuk, LMU Munich, for his poster on "Non-equilibrium scaling behavior in driven soft biological networks"
- Mahdi Mazaheri, MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen, for his poster on "High-speed imaging of rotational diffusion of a gold nanorod on a supported lipid bilayer"
- Philipp Struntz, University of Bayreuth, for his poster on "A comparison of quantitative diffusion measurement tehcniques in a light sheet microscope"