Quantum Technologies
Bad Honnef Physics School
- Date:
- Su, 05.08.2018 17:00 – Fr, 10.08.2018 15:00
- Speaker:
- J. Stuhler (TOPTICA), P. O. Schmidt (PTB/ U Hannover), F. Jelezko (U Ulm), H. Weinfurter (LMU), S. Ritter (TOPTICA)
- Address:
- Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
- DPG Association:
- Atomic, Molecular, Quantum Optics and Photonics Section (SAMOP)
Quantum Technologies
Organized by
Jürgen Stuhler (TOPTICA Photonics), Piet Oliver Schmidt (PTB Braunschweig/ U Hannover), Fedor Jelezko (U Ulm), Harald Weinfurter (LMU Munchen), Stephan Ritter (TOPTICA Photonics)
5 - 10 August, 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
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Quantum technologies (QT) are expected to bring transformative innovation to science, economy and society. This is acknowledged by governments, industry and researchers worldwide and corroborated by ambitious initiatives like the European Commission’s QT flagship. QTs are a result of the second quantum revolution kicked off by spectacular scientific advances in the control over individual and particularly tailored quantum systems and harnessing their unique properties like entanglement. They emanate from basic research and require concerted efforts in education, theory and engineering to advance all of their application domains. The QT summer school aims at graduate students, PhDs, postdocs and people from industry with technical background. It offers an efficient, first-hand introduction into this exciting field and its current status in science and industry. All major areas of QT — quantum communication, simulation, computation, metrology and sensing — will be presented by leaders in their respective field, with emphasis on those who are particularly strong in Germany. In addition, start-ups and established companies will present their vision of what will enable QT and of what QT can achieve. The participants will have the opportunity to present their own work in the form of posters.
Speakers and Topics
- Oliver Benson (HU Berlin): Integrated devices for quantum optical technologies
- Dmitry Budker (U Mainz): Magnetic sensing with atoms
- Christian Groß (MPI of Quantum Optics, Garching): Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
- Rudolf Gross (Walther-Meißner-Institut, TU Munchen): Quantum computation with superconducting qubits
- Fedor Jelezko (U Ulm): Quantum sensing with color centers in diamond
- Carsten Klempt (U Hannover): Atom interferometry
- Christoph Marquardt (MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen): Quantum key distribution with continuous variables
- Peter Michler (U Stuttgart): Quantum dots for quantum technologies
- Thomas Monz (U Innsbruck): Quantum simulation with trapped ions
- Oliver Morsch (INO-CNR, U Pisa): Principles of quantum technologies — Foundations
- Tracy Northup (U Innsbruck): Quantum communication with trapped ions
- Markus Oberthaler (U Heidelberg): Atom trap trace analysis
- Gerhard Rempe (MPI of Quantum Optics, Garching): Quantum memories and networks with atoms in optical resonators
- Piet Schmidt (PTB Braunschweig/ U Hannover): Quantum logic and clocks
- Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (U Mainz): Quantum computation with trapped ions
- Kilian Singer (U Kassel): Principles of quantum technologies ― Techniques
- Jürgen Stuhler (TOPTICA Photonics AG): Introduction to the school
- Harald Weinfurter (LMU Munchen/ MPQ Garching): Quantum cryptography
- Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (U des Saarlandes): Quantum computing theory
QT Industry Session
- InfiniQuant (I. Khan)
- Menlos Systems (S. Saint-Jalm)
- OHB (A. Neuzner)
- Qnami (P. Maletinsky / F. Favaro)
- Quandela (V. Giesz)
- QUARTIQ (R. Jördens)
- qutools (H. Weier / M. Deisböck)
- Single Quantum (S. Dorenbos)
- Swabian Instruments (M. Schlagmüller)
- TOPTICA Photonics (S. Ritter)
- Zurich Instruments (Bruno Küng)