DPG-Fortbildung für Physiklehrer, Kurs 2: 5th EAAE Summer School
5th EAAE Summer School
- Date:
- Mo, 02.07.2001 09:00 – Sa, 07.07.2001 14:00
- Speaker:
- R. Ros, University Barcelona, W. Warland, Monheim, J. Debrus, PBH
- Address:
- Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany
- Chargeable
- Language:
- English
- DPG Association:
- Working Group on School Issues (AGS)
Once again the WG3 of EAAE has organised the EAAE International Summer School. From 2nd to 7th July 2001, fifty participants from 13 European countries attended a group of activities related to "Astronomy at the dawn of the third Millennium". Teachers from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain exchanged information on Teaching Astronomy field, spread over 2 General Lectures, 13 Workshops, 1 General Working Group, 2 Observations, 1 Poster and 1 Bazaar session.
General Lectures
Future Developments In Radio.
The ESO Very Large Telescope: Technology, Science and Education.