The DPG has got 55.265 members (status quo 21 May 2008)

164 members are institutional members (institutes, libraries, schools, companies). The remaining members (99.7%) are personal members, who subdivide in the following way:

30.6% Students
24.6% PhD students, assistents
4.3% Professors
10.3% Industrial physicists
8.2% Physicists working in non-university research (HGF, MPG, FhG, PTB, etc.)
3.4% Teachers and teacher trainees
0.7% Physicists working in the sector of scientific organisation and administration
3.8% Physicists working in other sectors such as self-employed persons
14.5% Members from publicity campaigns

5.8% of the personal members live abroad. The portion of women is 12.7%. The average age of the members is 34.7, the mean age of the members, who have joined in the year 2008 is 28.2 years.