Physics Lab Teaching Conferences (PLT)

The PLT is scheduled at varying local universities in the second half of September. It provides insight into lab courses of other universities. The meeting is held in German, but English contributions are possible

The current PLT2025 can be found here


Ein Gemurmel im Hintergrund,
Menschen laufen vorbei.
Den Namen tun Schildchen kund,
Frauen sind kaum dabei.
Herren, bekannt und unbekannt,
diskutieren Fragen,
Tee oder Kaffee in der Hand.
Physiker tagen.

Irina Schwarz


Regular program topics are

  • Presentation of the local lab courses within the physics program and other related programs, organization, concepts, etc.
  • Exemplary presentation of lab experiments
  • Visitation of the different labs
  • Exhibition of manufacturers and distributors of lab equipment, teaching materials, and software

Previous and upcoming venues:

2021 Wien (geplant)
2020 Kiel (geplant)
2019 Rostock (geplant)
2018 Paderborn
2017 Dresden
2016 Jena
2015 Stuttgart + Esslingen
2014 Bayreuth
2013 Hannover
2012 Aachen
2011 Chemnitz
2010 Wien
2009 Berlin (TU + FU)
2008 Tübingen
2007 Konstanz
2006 Halle
2005 Zwickau
2004 Bremen
2003 Potsdam
2002 Erlangen
2001 Rostock
2000 Stuttgart
1999 Düsseldorf
1998 Leipzig
1997 Berlin (TU)
1996 Bayreuth
1995 Gießen
1994 Jena
1993 Hannover
1992 München
1991 Kiel
1990 Erfurt
1989 Jena
1988 Rostock
1987 HU Berlin
1986 TH Magdeburg
1985 TH Karl-Marx-Stadt
1984 Leipzig
1983 PH Potsdam
1982 TH Karl-Marx-Stadt
1982 PH Dresden
1981 HU Berlin
1979 Rostock
1978 TU Dresden
1975 Rostock
1974 TU Dresden
1973 Leipzig