Sommerexkursion 2024 | jDPG

Die junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (jDPG) lädt zur alljährlichen Sommerexkursion nach Hamburg ein. Sei dabei und entdecke den Wissesnchaftsstandort Hamburg! The young German Physical Society (jDPG) is thrilled to announce the yearly summer excursion to take place in Hamburg. Join us and discover Hamburg as a science centre!

Do, 13.06.2024 13:00  –   So, 16.06.2024 14:00
Hamburg Desy Guesthouse
Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg, Germany

Anmeldung erforderlich
Zoé Abraham, Alexander Schneider, ,
Arbeitskreis junge DPG (AKjDPG)  


The registration is already closed

The Young German Physical Society is pleased to announce the summer excursion 2024. This year we will explore Hamburg.

Hosted by the jDPG regional group Hamburg, this event invites 40 students from Germany (and Italy) to explore scientific research centers, engage in talks with local experts, and present their own research. The participation is free of charge, covering accommodation, breaktfast and event transportation. Other expenses, such as lunch, dinner and travel costs to Hamburg are not included.

Those interested can also give a 12-minute presentation talk of their own research or topic of interest. If you've already registered without opting for a presentation but have changed your mind, please email us. We look forward to welcoming you to this enriching experience in Hamburg.

Registrations closes on June 5th.

Preliminary schedule is now available:



This event was the German Italian Physics Exchange before, but will now be the summer excursion. Depending on the languages of the participants this event will either be in German or English, maybe a mix of it.