Insights into the working life of physicists, Tandem talk

Here we present you the first talk of our series "Insights into the working life of physicists" (German: "Physiker:in im Beruf") of this winter term.

Tu, 02.11.2021 18:30  –   Tu, 02.11.2021 20:30
Roland Hingmann, Sherif Madkour
Kirchhoff Institut für Physik and online
Im Neuenheimer Feld 227, 69221 Heidelberg
Lecture Hall 2
Registration required
Contact person:
Joris Edelmann,
DPG Association:
Working Group "Young DPG" (jDPG)  Regional Group Heidelberg  


During this talk you have the chance to take a look beyond the university into industry. This time we have a special tandem talk in which physicists of two generations share their experience.


Sherif Madkour received his BSc. in materials science and engineering from Drexel University, USA. He then moved to Berlin, where he earned his PhD in polymer physics. His work focused on the nano-confinement effects on the polymer chain dynamics and glass transition. Since 2018, Sherif has been a lab team leader in the advanced materials & systems research department at BASF SE. Currently, his research aims to bridge polymer physics and processing to better understand and develop highly filled polymers.


Roland Hingmann got his PhD in nuclear physics in 1986. His thesis was dedicated to high energy ɣ-rays from heavy ion collisions. Subsequently, he spent more than 3 decades in different functions in industry research, mainly focusing on polymer materials development. His last position was in BASF SE as vice president structural materials processing.


This tandem talk will give insights into the working life and career path of physicists in industry, with specific focus on the role of physics in chemical industry and (polymer) material science. Some development projects will be exemplary shown, in order to illustrate both scientific challenges, as well as critical soft success factors, required in industry. In particular, chances and hurdles in working for large organisations with broad diversity and global R&D footprint will be addressed.


If you want to attend in person, please arrive early, so we can check your 3G certificate.