Online lectures to the DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) Dresden 2020
In order to enable the exchange of research results that would have been presented at the DPG-Frühjahrstagung (DPG Spring Meeting) in Dresden 2020, some selected presentations of the cancelled conference were held as online lectures.
The contributions were exclusively broadcast live and not recorded, which is why they cannot be called up again at a later date.
"Semiconductors for breakfast"
Tuesday, 31.03.2020, 10:15
Manfred Bayer - "Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide"
Wednesday, 01.04.2020, 14:15
Ulrike Woggon - "Coherent spectroscopy with engineered excitons"
Thursday, 02.04.2020, 10:15
Ulrich Höfer - "THz-ARPES band structure movies of Dirac surface currents"
Friday, 03.04.2020, 10:15
Kathy Lüdge - "Nonlinear dynamics and photon statistics in two-mode micropillar lasers"
Monday, 06.04.2020, 10:15 Uhr
Wolfram Pernice - "Towards brain-inspired photonic computing"
Tuesday, 07.04.2020, 10:15
Marius Grundmann - "Topological States explained with the diatomic linear chain model: Bulk invariants, boundary states and robustness against disorder"
Wednesday, 08.04.2020, 10:15
Linn Leppert - "First principles simulations of halide perovskites: Challenges, results and surprises"
Thursday, 09.04.2020, 10:15
Ursula Wurstbauer - "Condensation signatures and multi-valley physics of excitons in van-der-Waals hetero-bilayers"
Tuesday, 14.04.2020, 10:15
Christoph Lange - "Subcycle nonlinearities of ultrastrongly coupled light-matter hybrid modes"
Wednesday, 15.04.2020, 10:15 Uhr
Klaus Ensslin - "Mind the gap: bilayer graphene"
Thursday, 16.04.2020, 10:15
Tobias Heindel - "Boosting single-photon quantum key distribution"
Friday, 17.04.2020, 11:15
Jonathan Finley - "Trapping of excitons in atomically thin semiconductors"
Virtual sessions of the divisions BP, CPP, DY and SOE
Plenary Talks
Tue, 08:50-09:00 | Stream CPP | Greetings from the DPG President |
Tue, 09:00-10:00 | Stream CPP |
Plenary Talk: PLV XII: Pico-Photonics: what can be seen with extreme confinement of light — •Jeremy Baumberg |
Tue, 16:30-17:30 | Stream CPP | Plenary Talk: PLV II: Bicontinuous Structures in Charged Polymer Blends — •Timothy Lodge |
Wed, 09:00-10:00 | Stream BP | Plenary Talk: PLV VII: Physics of Morphogenesis — •Stephan Grill |
Wed, 17:30-17:40 | Stream SOE | Closing Words by Erich Runge (Speaker SKM) |
Wed, 17:45 | Stream Nachsitz. |
Nachsitzung - Open Feedback Session |
Biological Physics (BP)
Tuesday, 17.03.2020
10:00-10:30 | Stream BP | BP 1.1 Invited Talk: Spontaneous and driven active matter flows — •Eric Clement |
10:30-11:00 | Stream BP | BP 5.1 Invited Talk: Mirror-enhanced fluorescence for superresolution imaging and spectroscopy — •Katrin G. Heinze, Hannah S. Heil, Benjamin Schreiber, and Markus Sauer |
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11:30-12:00 | Stream BP | BP 31.7 Invited Talk: Predicting Protein and RNA Structures via data inference: from Potts models to machine learning — •Alexander Schug |
12:00-12:30 | Stream BP | BP 12.7 Invited Talk: Physics of Growth: Another Form of Active Matter — •Jens Elgeti |
14:00-14:30 | Stream BP | BP 13.1 Invited Talk: On another plane: curling and buckling in epithelia — •Guillaume Charras, Jonathan Fouchard, Tom Wyatt, Ana Lisica, Nargess Khalilgharibi, Pierre Recho, Amsha Proag, Magali Suzanne, Buzz Baum, and Alexandre Kabla |
14:30-15:00 | Stream BP | BP 21.1 Invited Talk: Cellular mechanosensing within synthetic 3D extracellular matrices — •Britta Trappmann |
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15:30-16:00 | Stream BP | BP 7.6 Invited Talk: Optoregulated force application to individual cellular receptors using molecular motors — •Aránzazu del Campo |
16:00-16:30 | Stream BP | BP 6.4 Invited Talk: Density waves, jamming and dynamic arrest in growing microbial communities — •Oskar Hallatschek |
Wednesday, 18.03.2020
10:00-10:30 | Stream DY | BP 27.1 Invited Talk: Light-regulated microbial dynamics and self-organization in complex geometries — •Oliver Bäumchen |
10:30-11:00 | Stream BP | BP 28.1 Invited Talk: Eavesdropping on fluctuation-driven transport in living matter — •Matthias Weiss |
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11:30-12:00 | Stream BP | BP 26.6 Invited Talk: 3 D Classification of Red Blood Cells in microchannels — •Christian Wagner |
12:00-12:30 | Stream BP | BP 33.5 Invited Talk: Atomistic ensembles of proteins and soft matter complexes from MD simulations and solution scattering data — Milos T Ivanovic, Markus R Hermann, and •Jochen S Hub |
14:00-14:30 | Stream BP | BP 35.4 Invited Talk: Super-resolution microscopy with DNA molecules — •Ralf Jungmann |
14:30-15:00 | Stream BP | BP 23.4 Invited Talk: Mechanical signalling in cell fate choice — •Kevin Chalut |
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15:30-16:00 | Stream BP | BP 37.1 Invited Talk: Growth, death, and adaptation of bacterial cells: a quantitative analysis — •Ulrich Gerland |
16:00-16:30 | Stream BP | BP 38.1 Invited Talk: Physical phenotyping of cells in microfluidic systems — •Jochen Guck |
16:30-17:00 | Stream SOE | BP 11.3 Topical Talk: Gaming the system - Analyzing Uber price data reveals anomalous supply shortages — •Malte Schröder, David Storch, Philip Marszal, and Marc Timme |
17:00-17:30 | Stream SOE |
TUT 2.3 Tutorial: Spreading dynamics on networks: from social interactions to epidemics and pandemics — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad |
Chemical and Polymer Physics (CPP)
Tuesday, 17.03.2020
10:00-10:30 | Stream BP | CPP 8.1 Invited Talk: Spontaneous and driven active matter flows — •Eric Clement |
10:30-11:00 | Stream CPP | CPP 37.1 Invited Talk: Phospholipid membranes as model systems for fundamental soft matter research — •Sebastian Jaksch |
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11:30-12:00 | Stream CPP | SYDW 1.2 Invited Talk: Modelling imbibition, dynamic wetting and evaporation on structured surfaces and porous coatings — •Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman and Noemi Ghillani |
12:00-12:30 | Stream CPP | SYDW 1.3 Invited Talk: Droplets on shaped liquid and electrically switchable surfaces — •Glen McHale |
14:00-14:30 | Stream CPP | CPP 97.1 Invited Talk: Grain coarsening dynamics in cylinder-forming block copolymer thin films — •Michele Perego |
14:30-15:00 | Stream CPP | CPP 58.1 Invited Talk: Structure and dynamics of semiflexible polymers in bulk and confinement — •Arash Nikoubashman |
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15:30-16:00 | Stream CPP | CPP 85.1 Invited Talk: Molecular view on polymers adsorbed on nanoparticle surfaces — Mozhdeh Abbasi, Sol Mi Oh, So Youn Kim, and •Kay Saalwächter |
16:00-16:30 | Stream CPP | CPP 36.1 Invited Talk: Anisotropic packing in vapor-deposited glasses — •Mark Ediger |
Dynamics and Statistical Physics (DY)
Tuesday, 17.03.2020
10:00-10:30 | Stream BP | DY 2.1 Invited Talk: Spontaneous and driven active matter flows — •Eric Clement |
10:30-11:00 | Stream DY | DY 3.1 Invited Talk: Disentangling Lagrangian Turbulence — Lukas Bentkamp, Cristian Lalescu, and •Michael Wilczek |
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11:30-12:00 | Stream DY | SYES 1.3 Invited Talk: A hydrodynamic approach to collective cell migration in epithelial tissues — •Jaume Casademunt |
12:00-12:30 | Stream DY | DY 13.1 Invited Talk: Shearing of glasses: new insight from studying model glasses of different system sizes — •Andreas Heuer, Markus Blank-Burian, Lawrence Smith, and Moumita Maiti |
14:00-14:30 | Stream DY | DY 14.1 Invited Talk: Microswimmers in (semi-)dilute suspensions: binary mixtures, trapping, orientational ordering, collective motion, and imposed shear flows — Christian Hoell, Giorgio Pessot, Hartmut Löwen, and •Andreas M. Menzel |
14:30-15:00 | Stream DY | DY 21.1 Invited Talk: From Non-normalizable Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics to infinite-ergodic theory — •ELi Barkai |
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15:30-16:00 | Stream DY | DY 33.1 Invited Talk: Statistical Mechanics of Granular Clogging — •Douglas Durian |
16:00-16:30 | Stream BP |
DY 12.4 Invited Talk: Density waves, jamming and dynamic arrest in growing microbial communities — •Oskar Hallatschek |
Wednesday, 18.03.2020
10:00-10:30 | Stream DY | DY 42.1 Invited Talk: Light-regulated microbial dynamics and self-organization in complex geometries — •Oliver Bäumchen |
10:30-11:00 | Stream BP | DY 43.1 Invited Talk: Eavesdropping on fluctuation-driven transport in living matter — •Matthias Weiss |
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11:30-12:00 | Stream DY | DY 23.1 Invited Talk: Collective dynamics of cell-fate decision in the early embryo — •Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo |
12:00-12:30 | Stream DY | DY 5.1 Invited Talk: Dynamically probing winding numbers of Floquet toplogical insulators in optical lattices — •André Eckardt |
12:30-13:00 | Stream SOE | DY 38.1 Invited Talk: Cross frequency coupling in next generation inhibitory neural mass models — •Simona Olmi, Andrea Ceni, David Angulo Garcia, and Alessandro Torcini |
13:00-13:30 | Stream SOE | DY 38.3 Topical Talk: Partial Synchronization Patterns in the Brain — •Eckehard Schöll |
14:00-14:30 | Stream DY | DY 40.1 Invited Talk: I want it all and I want it now! — •Alexander K. Hartmann |
14:30-15:00 | Stream DY | DY 47.6 Invited Talk: Wave-particle duality of dissipative vortices and implications for cardiology — •Irina V. Biktasheva |
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16:30-17:00 | Stream SOE | DY 20.3 Topical Talk: Gaming the system - Analyzing Uber price data reveals anomalous supply shortages — •Malte Schröder, David Storch, Philip Marszal, and Marc Timme |
17:00-17:30 | Stream SOE |
DY 1.3 Tutorial: Spreading dynamics on networks: from social interactions to epidemics and pandemics — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad |
Physics of Socio-economic Systems (SOE)
Wednesday, 18.03.2020
12:30- 13:00 | Stream SOE | SOE 9.1 Invited Talk: Cross frequency coupling in next generation inhibitory neural mass models — •Simona Olmi, Andrea Ceni, David Angulo Garcia, and Alessandro Torcini |
13:00-13:30 | Stream SOE | SOE 9.3 Topical Talk: Partial Synchronization Patterns in the Brain — •Eckehard Schöll |
14:00-14:30 | Stream DY | SOE 10.1 Hauptvortrag: I want it all and I want it now! — •Alexander K. Hartmann |
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16:30-17:00 | Stream SOE | SOE 7.3 Topical Talk: Gaming the system - Analyzing Uber price data reveals anomalous supply shortages — •Malte Schröder, David Storch, Philip Marszal, and Marc Timme |
17:00-17:30 | Stream SOE |
SOE 1.3 Tutorial: Spreading dynamics on networks: from social interactions to epidemics and pandemics — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad |