Beyond Middle Earth

The physics research groups introduce themselves! During the semester we invite every month a physicist from the University of Konstanz to present their work and research on an understandable level for students and other interested people. Every student should have the opportunity to meet the research of the different working groups to find for example a group for the final thesis.

The first rooms of the P-Building you got to know as a physics student in Konstanz are probably the exercise group rooms and the computer pool "Middle Earth". But what is hidden beyond these rooms? What machines, instruments and measuring devices are hidden behind the laboratory doors of the experimenters and what are the theorists tinkering with and simulating in their offices and on the computers that you normally only use for printing?

We want to answer as many of these questions as possible in this talk series and show you which exciting research topics the groups in our department are currently working on, so that you have an overview when you join the groups yourself for your bachelor's or master's thesis.

But also all other interested people are invited to get to know the research of the research groups without the hurdles of technical language and important basic knowledge, to ask questions and to discuss with others.

Our Toppics:

Schwarmbildung und kollektives Verhalten intelligenter kolloidaler Teilchen

Aus der Experimentalphysik berichtete uns Prof. Dr. Clemens Bechinger am 10. November 2022 um 17:00 Uhr in P812 in seinem Vortrag "Schwarmbildung und kollektives Verhalten intelligenter kolloidaler Teilchen" über sein Forschungsgebiet und die Entdeckungen seiner Forschungsgruppe.mehr...

Quantum Transport and Quantum Technology

The theorist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig reported on 02 December 2021 in his lecture "Quantum Transport and Quantum Technology: Squeezed Vacuum and Synthetic Topology" about his field of research and recent discoveries of his research group.mehr...

Quantum Engineered Systems

Aus der Theorie berichtete uns Prof. Dr. Oded Zilberberg am 24. Mail 2022 in seinem Vortrag "Quantum Engineered Systems" über sein Forschungsgebiet und die neuesten Entdeckungen seiner Forschungsgruppe.mehr...

Atoms and Electrons in Space and Time

From experimental physics Prof. Dr. Peter Baum reported to us on 03. Mail 2022 in his lecture "Atoms and Electrons in Space and Time" about his field of research and the latest discoveries of his research group.mehr...

Pure Spin Currents

Experimental physicist Prof. Dr. Sebastian Goennenwein reported on his research in his lecture "Pure Spin Currents" on December 08, 2020.mehr...

Functional Materials in a new light

Experimental physicist Prof. Dr. Martina Müller told us about her research in her lecture "Functional Materials in a new light" on January 20, 2021.mehr...

Soft Matter

The theoretical physicist Prof. Dr. Matthias Fuchs reported on his field of research and current discoveries of his research group in his lecture "Soft Matter: Einstein to Liquid Glass" on April 29, 2021.mehr...

Supercomputing with high energy efficiency

The experimental physicist Prof. Dr. Angelo Di-Bernado told us on June 02, 2021 how "Supercomputing with high energy efficiency" could work one day.mehr...

Spies, Spins and Spectra

Experimental physicist and chemistry professor Prof. Dr. Malte Drescher reported on his research in his lecture "Spies, spins and spectra - on the spectroscopy of complex systems" on November 11, 2021.mehr...

Quantum Transport and Quantum Technology

The theorist Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Belzig reported on 02 December 2021 in his lecture "Quantum Transport and Quantum Technology: Squeezed Vacuum and Synthetic Topology" about his field of research and recent discoveries of his research group.mehr...