Besichtigung beim internationalen Plasmaphysikseminar 2017 in Greifswald. (© DPG / Ohse 2017)

The Young DPG at University

The Young DPG accompanies you through your studies of physics. Get deeper into the matter with us. We are active at more than 30 university locations and offer insights into science and working environments.

You can find the young DPG on-site at over 30 universities. Organized in regional groups, physics students prepare events that can be attended by all physics enthusiasts. Due to the honorary commitment of our members, about 200 events can be held in Germany every year. At the various events, you will have the opportunity to get to know your professors better, to get in contact with doctoral students and postdocs, to ask questions to working physicists and to exchange ideas with physics students from all over Germany.

Frequently asked questions

Who is the young DPG for?

The young DPG welcomes all high school students, students and doctoral candidates. No matter whether you are still at the beginning of your studies or almost finished, just stop by at one of our numerous events. If you just got your Bachelor's degree, you can look forward to a year of free membership.


Can I join you if I am not studying physics or studying for a teaching degree?

Alle jungen Menschen, die Physik mögen und sich von ihr begeistern lassen, sind bei uns willkommen. Wenn du auf Lehramt studierst, kannst du auch gerne beim  vorbeischauen.

All young people who like physics and are inspired by it are welcome to join us. If you are studying to become a teacher, you are also welcome to join the A-Team of school, teachers and young people.


How do I become a Young DPG member?

To join the Young DPG, you can apply for membership in the DPG and select the Young DPG in the Working Groups section. If you are already a member, you can join the young DPG by clicking on "My DPG".


Do I have to be a member to participate in a young DPG event?

No, for most events of the young DPG this is not a prerequisite for participation. However, membership brings you many advantages, e.g. voting rights at our annual general meeting.


At my university, there is no regional group. Can I found one?

Sure, we are happy about every new, motivated member and through new regional groups, we can reach even more people. Do you have any questions or would you like more information about founding a regional group? Then write an e-mail to Philipp Käse.


I would like to get involved in nationwide activities. How can I get involved?

Since we come from all over Germany, we are organized nationwide. In various working teams, ideas are advanced, events are planned and nationwide networking takes place. If you would like to get involved in a working team or just want to have a look, please contact the responsible person for the respective working team.


I would like to study physics. Where can I find information about studying physics?

An overview of study locations and general information about studying physics can be found on the Webseite of the Studienatlas Physik


I have problems with the lecture material, can you help me?

The Young DPG is not a learning center and does not offer tutoring. Maybe you can find a Young DPG member who can give you some help. In any case, you can contribute your ideas, learn new skills and have a lot of fun.