Charge Transport in Organic Materials: From Single Molecules to Devices

DPG - Physics School

Su, 23.09.2007 17:00  –   Fr, 28.09.2007 14:00
Matthias Hettler, FZ Karlsruhe; Jens Pflaum, U Stuttgart; Christian.Lennartz, BASF
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany

Event partner:
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Contact person:
Victor Gomer,


DPG Physics School 2007
supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus - Foundation

23 to 28 September 2007, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Charge Transport in Organic Materials: From Single Molecules to Devices

Matthias Hettler, FZ Karlsruhe; Jens Pflaum, U Stuttgart and Christian Lennartz, BASF

Electronic transport phenomena in organic materials have received considerable attention during the last years due to the emerging field of Organic Electronics. Technical applications of organic thin film devices and the potential use of molecules in integrated electronic circuits have been successfully demonstrated. Despite many research activities studying the various aspects of charge transport in single molecules and molecular aggregates the fundamental conduction mechanisms as well as the effects limiting the electronic performance are still under discussion.
The goal of this summer school is to highlight the current state of investigations on the charge transport in organic materials and to provide an up-to-date overview on the key aspects of molecular electronics from individual molecules and single crystals to devices based on thin films. This school will present the research activities on the transport phenomena over the past decade from an experimental and theoretical point of view. The latest results in device preparation and application will be highlighted together with a critical discussion of future prospects, e.g. devices based on single molecules or organic photovoltaic cells.
The school targets advanced students, doctoral candidates, and post-docs in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering

Lecturers & Topics:

Markus Schwoerer, University of Bayreuth
Introduction into the field of organic electronics

Heinz Bässler, University of Marburg
Transport in organic single crystals and amorphous materials

Yasuhiko Shirota, Osaka University
Chemical design towards defined molecular functionality

Peter A. Bobbert, Eindhoven University of Technology
Theory of transport in crystalline organic media

Jenny Nelson, Imperial College
Theory of transport in amorphous organic media

Herre van der Zant, Delft University of Technology
Transport across single molecules: An approach by break-junction technique

Thomas Wandlowski, Research Centre Jülich
Transport studies on single molecules by scanning probe techniques

Juan Carlos Cuevas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Theory of single molecule conductance (DFT)

Maarten Wegewijs, RWTH Aachen
Theory of single molecule conductance (non-DFT)

Eberhard Umbach, University of Würzburg
Organic thin film growth on weakly and strongly Interacting surfaces

Antoine Kahn, Princeton University
Interface energetics

Wolfgang Kowalsky, Technical University of Braunschweig
Organic Light Emitting Diodes

Veit Wagner, International University of Bremen
Organic Field Effect Transistors

Gernot Paasch, IFW Dresden
Theory and simulation of organic devices

Stephen Forrest, University of Michigan
Organic Photovoltaic Devices: Realization and Performance

Karl Leo, Technical University of Dresden
Doping of Organic Semiconductors

Paolo Lugli, TU Munich
Innovative device concepts for future applications

Jean-Luc Brédas, Georgia Tech
Evening lecture: From principles to molecules