
Journals, studies, books and internet services - the DPG offers numerous publications, many of them can be downloaded online for free.


The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft issues about 50 press releases and announcements per year, which are published on the DPG's website. Press releases are sent to registered journalists and, on request, to DPG members. Media representatives who are interested in DPG press releases can subscribe to the press distribution list.mehr...


The DPG regularly produces publications. These range from the well-known DPG Verhandlungen (programme booklets of the DPG Spring Meetings), studies, brochures and thematic booklets to the fact sheet Physikkonkret. The DPG publishes statements on political topics. Various flyers and school posters are offered free of charge as information and mailing material.mehr...

Was sagt die DPG zu...?

Die großen Fragen und Herausforderungen unsere Zeit werden in Gesellschaft und Politik engagiert diskutiert. Dabei gilt es, die verfügbaren Perspektiven und Fakten zu bewerten und bei allen Entscheidungsprozessen zu berücksichtigen. Hier trägt die DPG als Plattform und Sprachrohr von tausenden Physikerinnen und Physikern ihren Teil bei, unabhängig von parteipolitischen, konfessionellen und ethnischen Gesichtspunkten. Sie nimmt wissenschaftsbasiert Stellung zu Themen, in denen die Physik eine wichtige Rolle spielt, nicht zuletzt für die Gestaltung des menschlichen Lebens.mehr...


The DPG regularly publishes videos on its YouTube channel. In addition to selected interview series, e.g. about the professional opportunities for physicists, the collection also includes recordings of physics lectures.mehr...

Magazines and online offers

The DPG is responsible for or has a share in some regularly published journals and information services. These take up current physics topics and prepare them for an interested general public.mehr...

Trade journals

The DPG is involved in two scientific journals. Like almost all important comparable journals, these are published in English. They are aimed at an international specialist audience.mehr...