Committee for Teaching Materials

The Committee for Teaching Materials promotes the development of new teaching materials for use in physics-related practical courses.

The Committee for Teaching Materials has been recording innovative experiments for physics practicals since 2010. It also organises workshops and forums at specialist conferences to disseminate information about innovative teaching materials. The aim is to promote innovation, enable the subsequent use of new teaching materials and thus avoid duplication of development work. This is why these workshops are also admitted nationwide as teacher training courses.


Members of the Teaching Resources Commission from left to right: Stephan Graunke (Rostock, Speaker of LMK), Ronny Nawrodt (Stuttgart), Peter Schaller (Ruhestand), Silvana Fischer (Jena), Ilja Rückmann (Bremen), not visible are Susanne Schulz (Dresden), Florian Platten (Düsseldorf), Herbert Schletter (Chemnitz) and Andreas Modler (Berlin)

Following a thorough external review, experiments and teaching materials were awarded the LMK's "Gütesiegel" for innovative experiments. This initiative was taken up by the DPG and led to the awarding of the AGPP Teaching Award, which was presented for the first time in 2019.

The work of the LMK is supported by the Wilhelm-und-Else-Heraeus-Foundation and the DPG.