Working Group (without a vote) of Metal and Materials Physics (AGMM)

The Working Group of Metal and Materials Physics (AGMM) was founded in 1961 by the German Materials Society (DGM), the Orgaization of German Physical Societies (DPG) and the Association of German Ironworkers (VDEh). The AGMM members (incl. the representatives of DGM, DPG, VDEh) are proposed by the respective committee members and elected for 3 (+3) years. The AGMM elects a chairman/chairwoman for 3 years who then becomes a trade association representative for 3 years. The AGMM meets at least once a year, e.g. at the DPG meeting.

At the DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), the AGMM organizes and leads the lecture and poster events of the Division of Metal- and Materials Physics (MM), i.e. the MM meeting program.

The AGMM also chairs the general meeting of the Division of Metal- and Materials Physics, which is usually held at the DPG meeting on Wednesday evening at about 6 pm. All presenters, poster presenters and interested persons are cordially invited to this meeting! MM-related information is distributed, an overview of the progress of the current meeting is given, and feedback is solicited. In addition, suggestions for upcoming symposia and speakers to be invited will be collected. Use your co-determination possibilities and come to the general meeting.