XXI. Workshop Beyond the Standard Model

Mo, 16.03.2009 09:00  –   Th, 19.03.2009 14:00
Jan Louis, Universität Hamburg
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany

Contact person:
Jan Louis,


The workshop focuses on recent developments in the theory of fundamental particles, the physics of the early universe, and mathematical physics. There will be a 90-minute introductory pedagogical lecture each morning, followed by shorter talks by the participants.

The topics and speakers of the pedagogical lectures are

L. Covi (Hamburg):
News from the Sky

D. Lüst (München):
String Phenomenology and the LHC

M. Neubert (Mainz):
Flavour Physics - Status and Perspectives

J. Plefka (Berlin):
Recent Developments in AdS/CFT

The price for 4 days' accommodation at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, including full board is € 250, for undergraduate students € 210.

The deadline for registration is 31 January 2009.

Organization by:

Jan Louis
Luruper Chaussee 149,
22761 Hamburg,

Sponsored by: SFB 676 "Particles, Strings and the Early Universe", TR-33 "The Dark Universe", Exzellenzcluster "Origin and Structure of the Universe", Virtual Institute for Particle Cosmology
Download the poster and program for this year's meeting (pdf files).
