Cooperation and memberships of the DPG

As the largest physical society in the world, the DPG has many relationships with other professional, national and international associations. These include associated societies as well as cooperative memberships in other professional societies.

Associated Societies

The DPG exchanges one representative on the Council with each of the associated societies. In addition, a reduction in membership dues for DPG members in both societies has been established.mehr...

Other professional societies and double membership agreements

For other professional societies and those with whom the DPG has concluded a double membership agreement, a reduction in membership fees for DPG members has been established for membership in both societies.mehr...

National memberships of the DPG


International memberships of the DPG


National collaboration of the DPG

The DPG participates in higher-level national associations.mehr...

International collaboration of the DPG

The DPG participates in higher-level international associations.mehr...