Membership fee

On the basis of §13 of the statutes of the German Physical Society e. V., the Executive Board decided on a new membership fee model at its meeting in Bad Honnef on 8 November 2019, which came into force on 1 January 2021. The amount of the membership fee depends on the type of membership and is based on the life and career of the DPG members.

The DPG charge the membership annually. The request for the membership fee and the membership card are sent by mail in January of each year for existing members or a few days after joining the DPG for new memberships.

A change in the self-chosen contribution group as well as the use of fee reductions can be made at any time via "My DPG" or by written notification to the DPG Membership Administration and Services. Changes to contribution groups made in the first half of the year are retroactively valid for the entire year; a new membership fee request will then be sent out promptly after the change. Changes to contribution groups made in the second half of the year are only valid for the following year.

New members pay only half of the annual membership fee from 1 July of each year. From 1 November no fees are due for the current year.

For the age-limited contribution groups E and Y the cut-off date for determining age is 1 January each year.

Individual memberships

Age-based contribution groups

  • Contribution group E: for members up to 27 years
    This contribution group includes members who have not yet reached the age of 28.

    For the contribution year 2025 this means that members born in 1997 or later can be assigned to this contribution group.

Annual fee 18.00 €

Reduction of fees for Bachelor graduates
Have you recently obtaineded your Bachelor's degree? Then you can apply for a fee waiver for the first months of your membership. You can find further information here.

  • Contribution group Y: for members up to 35 years
    This contribution group includes members who are too old for contribution group E and who have not yet reached the age of 36.

    For the contribution year 2025 this means that members born in 1989 or later can assign to this contribution group.

Annual fee 36.00 €

Reduction of fees for Bachelor graduates
Have you recently obtaineded your Bachelor's degree? Then you can apply for a fee waiver for the first months of your membership. You can find further information here.

Income-based contribution groups

In the case of income-dependent contribution groups, grouping is carried out by self-classification of members on the basis of trust:

  • Contribution group A: for members with an annual income up to 30,000.00 €
    This contribution group includes members with a gross annual income of up to 30,000.00 €.

Annual fee 36.00 €

  • Contribution group B: for members with an annual income up to 45,000.00 €
    This contribution group includes members with a gross annual income of up to 45,000.00 €.

Annual fee 72.00 €

  • Contribution group C: for members with an annual income above 45,000.00 €
    This contribution group includes members with a gross annual income above to 45,000.00 €.

Annual fee 108.00 €

Reduction of fees for members with a double membership
DPG members with a gross annual income of 45,000.00 € or more (contribution groups B and C) pay a membership fee reduced by 25 % if they are members of both the German Physical Society and one of our partner societies. The reduced membership fee is 54.00 € per year in contribution group B and 81.00 € per year in contribution group C. An overview of the DPG partner societies can be found here.

Reduction of fees for retired members
DPG members in income-based contribution groups who have reached the age of 65 and are retired can claim a 50 % reduction in their current membership fee. Please note that the reduction can only be taken into account when the fees are charged in the following year. Retroactive reductions to previous years are not possible.

Contribution group for supporting members

  • Contribution group S: for members who wish to support the DPG in a special way
    This contribution group includes members who would like to support the DPG in a special way. The contribution group is open to all members as an alternative to the age- and income-based contribution groups. The annual membership fee is determined by the supporting member himself, but is at least 144.00 € per year.

    The desired membership fee can be submitted via "My DPG" or by written notification to the DPG Membership Administration and Services when a new membership is concluded or if changes are desired.

Annual fee at least 144.00 €

Special contribution groups

  • Contribution group Pfor members with a partner also being a DPG member
    This group includes DPG members whose partner is also a DPG member belonging to one of the contribution groups listed below:

- Contribution group B, for members with an annual income up to 45,000.00 €
- Contribution group C, for members with an annual income above 45,000.00 €
- Contribution group S, for members who wish to support the DPG in a special way

Both partners receive a joint copy of the DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal).

The partner tariff can be activated yourself via "My DPG" or by sending the completed form to the DPG Membership Administration and Services. The consent of the partner must be obtained for this.

Annual fee 36.00 €

  • Contribution group H: for members who for financial reasons cannot pay higher membership fees
    This contribution group includes members who for financial reasons cannot pay higher membership fees.

    Joining or changing to this contribution group is only possible via an informal application to the DPG Membership Administration and Services.

Annual fee 18.00 €


Corporate memberships (institutes/companies)

  • Contribution group F: for research institutes, institutes, libraries, schools and other public non-profit organisations
    This contribution group includes all memberships of research institutes, institutes, libraries, schools and other public non-profit organisations.

Annual fee 184.00 €

You are welcome to have DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal) delivered to more than one address. Each additional delivery address will then be charged 55.00 € per year.

  • Contribution group G: for companies and their research laboratories
    This contribution group includes all memberships of companies and their research laboratories. The annual membership fee is determined within this contribution group itself, but is at least 329.00 € or 827.00 € per year.

    The desired membership fee can be submitted by written notification to the DPG Membership Administration and Services when a new membership is concluded or if changes are desired.

Annual fee at least 329.00 € for companies with sales of up to 25 m. € per year
Annual fee at least 827.00 € for companies with sales of 25 m. € or more per year

You are welcome to have DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal) delivered to more than one address. Please contact the DPG Membership Administration and Services:


Airmail dispatch of the DPG Members Journal (Physik Journal)

If you live in a non-European country, the Physik Journal can be sent by airmail on request. An additional fee of 32.00 € per year is charged for airmail dispatch. From 1 July of each year only half of the annual additional fee for the current year is due.


Do you still have questions, wishes and suggestions?

You can contact our Membership Administration and Services as follows:

Postal address
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V.
Membership Administration and Services
Hauptstraße 5
53604 Bad Honnef

Phone: 02224-9232-0
Fax: 02224-9232-50
