International Physics Olympiad

Enthusiasm for the subject, pleasure in solving tasks, creative experimentation, meeting interesting people and growing beyond oneself: All this is part of the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) and the national selection competition - the Physics Olympiad in Germany.

Olympic competitions

Every year at the IPhO, students from all over the world tinker with theoretical and experimental tasks from all areas of physics. The most successful Olympians win medals at the end.
The competition has been taking place since 1967 and has grown into a global event with over 80 participating countries. The exchange with young people from other countries is just as important and at least as exciting as the tasks.

The way to the German team ...

... leads through a four-stage nationwide selection competition - the PhysikOlympiade in Germany. The competition is open to pupils under the age of 20 on 30 June of the Olympic year. The BMBF, the KMK and of course the DPG support the competition.

Every year, the Physics Olympiad begins in April with the first round and ends in July of the following year with the international competition. Young people who are well versed in physics and can deal creatively with unusual problems are in demand here, because the tasks demand a lot of them.

Who does the IPhO address?

Joining the IPhO's five-member national team is a very special honour and is associated with the admission to the German National Academic Foundation and the Pupils' Prize of the German Physical Society.

However, the IPhO selection competition is intended for all pupils interested in physics who want to deepen their knowledge, test their limits and meet nice people. Just passing the first round is a great achievement. For further support, the IPhO offers a wide range of activities and often the competition achievement can also be recognised as a skilled work or special learning achievement.


Pupils' Prize

The prize is awarded to pupils for special physical achievements. It was awarded by the Physical Society of the GDR in 1982 - 91 and taken over by the DPG. The five best German participants of the annual Physics Olympiad and the Young Physicist's Tournament are awarded.

The award consists of:

  • a certificate
  • a prize money of € 500
  • an annual subscription to the members' magazine of the DPG
  • an invitation to the DPG annual conference

⇒ on the DPG prize for schoolchildren

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