Solid‐Water Interfaces at the Molecular Level

805. WE-Heraeus-Seminar

25 Feb - 01 Mar 2024


Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Scientific organizers:

Prof. Dr. Angelika Kühnle, U Bielefeld • Prof. Dr. Frieder Mugele, U Twente

Solid-water interfaces are ubiquitous both in nature and technology. For example, mineral-water interfaces are at the heart of fundamental processes taking place in nature, including weathering, dissolution and growth of rocks, biomineralization as well as buffering of the seawater pH value. Likewise, numerous industrial and everyday life processes involve solid-water interfaces, in fields ranging from seawater desalination and incrustation inhibition to electrochemistry and catalysis.

A comprehensive understanding of these processes requires elucidating the interfacial structure, chemical composition and charge distribution at the molecular scale. So far, however, many fundamental details of the interface remain unknown. Moreover, solid-water interfaces are often modelled using continuum theories, which will break down at the interface. Very recent advances in experiment and theory now enable to gain unprecedented insights into solid-water interfaces and elucidate molecular-level mechanisms at play.

In this seminar, we will bring together renowned experts and young investigators in an open and an inspiring atmosphere to foster in-depth discussions. Recent advances in experimental and theoretical approaches for studying solid-water interfaces will be presented. We will discuss implications for understanding molecular-level mechanisms in fields such as biomineralization, ice nucleation as well as electrochemical applications.

The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants.