Proposals for the Spring Meeting
The Semiconductor Division is actively involved in the organization of the scientific programme of the Spring Meetings of the German Physical Society. We encourage all members to help shaping the Spring Meeting by suggestions for an interesting programme. You can submit suggestions for the following parts of the programme:
- Plenary speakers
- Symposia
- Tutorials
- Focus Sessions
- Regular invited Speakers
The speaker team of the Semiconductor Division decides which proposals will be supported for the Spring Meeting. When making a decision, the speaker team concentrates on a balanced program that is composed of current topics and fully reflects semiconductor physics. The speaker team strives appropriate proportionof female speakers with the long term goal of at least 30% female speakers. Furthermore, the Semiconductor Division supports invited presentations by young researchers.
When submitting a proposal, please consider the following points: For the submission use the corresponding templates (found at the bottom of the website). Send the proposals via email to the speaker of the Semicondutor Division. You can also send a pdf. Submission deadline is May 30 for plenary speakers, symposia and tutorials and October 31 for Focus sessions and regular invited speakers, which then will be considered for the Spring Meeting of the next year (different dates will apply for the Meeting in 2021, please check for updates).
Plenary speaker
Plenary talks are the most prominent talks at the DPG Spring Meeting. Accordingly, the proposal should be well reasoned. For this, add a short laudation and 3-5 selected publication for your submission.
A Symposium at a DPG Spring Meeting features an interdisciplinary current topic of solid state physics (with a focus on semiconductor physics). Symposia should be broad enough to cover the interest of several divisions and consist of 5 invited talks. Please already consider diversity when writing a proposal. Accordingly, in the submission, a motivation for the topic addressing interest and timeliness of the topic should be included. It is helpful, if topical links to other divisions are mentioned.
Tutorials traditionally take place on Sunday afternoon and are dedicated especially for students, who are interested in an introduction into the respective semiconductor physic topics. Tutorials usually consist of 3-4 invited talks.
Focus Session
Focus Sessions are embedded in the regular programme of the DPG Spring Meeting. They consist of 5 invited talks, which are complemented by contributed talks. Please already consider diversity when writing a proposal. In the submission please add a motivation for the topic addressing interest and timeliness of the topic.
Regular invited talks
Regular invited talks are a part of the regular sessions of the Spring Meeting. These talks have a high reputation and usually a high number of participants.
To submit a proposal for a symposium, a tutorial or a focus session please use the following template.
To submit a proposal for a plenary of regular invited talk please use the following template.