Facts and figures

The DPG in facts and figures is updated annually and provides an insight into the structural and demographic structure of the DPG.

The DPG has got 52.007 members (status quo 20 July 2006)

161 members are institutional members (institutes, libraries, schools, companies). The remaining members (99.7%) are personal members, who subdivide in the following way:

32.2% Students
23.0% PhD students, assistents
4.1% Professors
10.0% Industrial physicists
8.0% Physicists working in non-university research (HGF, MPG, FhG, PTB, etc.)
3.1% Teachers and teacher trainees
0.7% Physicists working in the sector of scientific organisation and administration
3,8% Physicists working in other sectors such as self-employed persons
15,1% Members from publicity campaigns

5.6% of the personal members live abroad. The portion of women is 12.4%. The average age of the members is 34.5, the mean age of the members, who have joined in the year 2005 is 21.5 years.